LaunchU for Teens &

Young Adults

Preparing for the life you want to lead.

Navigating the transition to adulthood can feel like a daunting expedition for many teens, especially for those who perceive the world with a unique lens. Sometimes you just need a few more tools in the toolbox to transform challenges into stepping stones towards your aspirations.

We specialise in executive functioning coaching for neurodivergent young people ages 16-22, with a focus on positive self-identity, self-management and resilience skills crucial for academic and employment success. Our programme is designed for university or vocational-bound individuals, whether they are first-time attendees or returning after prior attempts

We can support you with:

    • Develop schedules and tools to effectively allocate and organise your time.

    • Learn strategies to analyse, break down and keep track of tasks.

    • Implement effective strategies to manage your belongings.

    • Establish achievable and meaningful objectives.

    • Set specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic short-term and long-term goals (SMART goals).

    • Create a roadmap for personal and academic success.

    • Prioritise tasks based on importance and deadlines.

    • Learn to manage competing demands effectively.

    • Develop self-assessment tools to track progress towards goals.

    • Self-reflection on areas of strength and areas for improvement.

    • Learn how and who to ask for help.

    • Learn communication and negotiation skills.

    • Learn how to separate feedback from identity and use it as an opportunity for growth

    • Learn to recognise and manage your emotions effectively.

    • Enhance cognitive flexibility for adaptability and problem-solving.

    • Develop strategies to improve focus and attention-shifting skills.

    • Develop strategies to manage boredom and maintain engagement.

    • Learn strategies to optimise understanding and retention.

  • LaunchU is ideal for individuals who:

    • Strive to improve academic performance.

    • Are in university, university-bound or pursuing vocational training.

    • May have experienced prior unsuccessful attempts at university, training or employment.

    • Exhibit strengths and challenges associated with ADHD, autism, and/or learning difficulties.

    • Struggle with developing and maintaining social connections.

  • How does it work?

    Step 1: Individual Assessment

    • Identify your strengths, values, interests and talents, as well as the barriers to reaching your goals.

    • A parent interview and collaboration with the school may also be beneficial, depending on the age and independence level of the young person.

    Step 2: Develop an action plan

    • Use your strengths and values as a guide to set your SMART goals for our work together.

    Step 3: One-to-one coaching sessions

    • 1-2 hrs per week for 12 weeks

    Step 4: Parent information session

    • 2 hrs on how to support your young person’s goals and be neurodiverse-affirming.

    Step 5: Follow Up

    • 1 hr per month for six months.

    • Your coach will support you to use your new skills, troubleshoot and reinforce progress.

Get Started 

If you or someone you know is keen to put their strengths to work, contact us to schedule a consultation.