
for Parents

Parent Coaching to Empower Families

Our LeapStart parent coaching is a 10-week neurodiverse-affirming programme, designed to empower families with the knowledge, skills and confidence to support their child's unique development from the earliest stages. Both parent and child will be involved in the sessions so that parents can learn and practise new skills with support. Through evidence-based practices and compassionate guidance, we equip parents with effective strategies tailored to support their child's unique needs and potential.

The LeapStart Parent Training Programme offers personalised 1:1 sessions with a psychologist, spanning 10 weeks. Each session lasts between 30 to 45 minutes. The LeapStart programme is available either in person or via telehealth. For families who do not have access to in-person support for their autistic or developmentally delayed young child, this programme will give parents individualised, practical, step by step approaches for accelerating development.

The programme is available either as a standalone option or alongside our Early-Years programme.

LeapStart can support with:

  • Language and communication

  • Cognitive skills

  • Social relationships

  • Self-help & personal care skills

  • Community & safety skills

  • Early academics & school readiness

  • Behavioural challenges & emotional regulation

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.”

— Sue Atkins